Sodium-ion is a stable and proven battery chemistry that offers advantages in cost, supply chain security, scale, and safety over lithium-ion, the industry’s current default battery storage choice. With the shift to sodium-ion technology underway worldwide at giga-scale, Peak Energy has emerged as the company best suited to deliver utility-scale sodium-ion storage in the U.S. The Series A financing from Xora Innovation, Eclipse, TDK Ventures, and other new strategic investors marks a pivotal inflection point in the clean energy transition and secures the future of the U.S. grid with domestically produced storage.

"Reinvesting in our future means embracing innovations like Peak Energy's sodium-ion technology, paving the way for a sustainable and secure energy landscape. By supporting Peak Energy, we're not just investing in a company; we're investing in a transformative solution that addresses critical challenges in energy storage, enhances national energy security, and propels environmental sustainability forward."

- Anil Achyuta, Managing Director - TDK Ventures

“The work Peak Energy is doing is paramount to the quality of life for everyone on our planet, and while a shift to renewables won’t happen overnight, we can’t afford to lose time. The team at Peak Energy not only has the deep industry experience to bring this company to scale, but it has the appropriate sense of urgency as well, as evidenced by this latest funding round. The time is right for someone to build the first American battery company to compete with the international giants at scale, and we think this is the team to do it.”

-Greg Reichow, Partner at Eclipse

“The need for a new utility-scale storage standard is not a decade away, it’s right now. Peak Energy has assembled a world-class team with unrivaled experience and reputation for delivering clean energy technology at scale, quickly. The timing to this market is exceptional, with Peak Energy poised to become a global leader in sodium-ion storage production and deployment. The team at Peak Energy has been moving at a truly exceptional pace, and Xora looks forward to supporting the company’s ambitious growth plans.”

-Phil Inagaki, Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer at Xora Innovation